Make The Greatest Economy in the World Work for All Americans

A free and flourishing economy is necessary for any nation’s citizens to prosper.

America First will

Bring Tax Relief Incentivize Job Creation Promote Wage Growth Incentivize Onshoring Ensure Access to Capital

Bring Tax Relief
Incentivize Job Creation
Promote Wage Growth
Incentivize Onshoring
Ensure Access to Capital

The America First Policy Institute’s Center for American Prosperity is dedicated to advancing public policy that puts the prosperity of American citizens first, to restoring and preserving the American free enterprise system, to defending American workers and their families, to promoting growth that lifts up forgotten communities, and to celebrating the innovative spirit of the American people.

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Latest Policy Update

FACT SHEET: An Economic Productivity Agenda to Boost Workers

Average labor productivity fell during each of the first two years of the Biden Administration—and with it, Americans’ purchasing power. Such an unprecedented and dismal performance is the worst by a new administration in modern history. Unfortunately, Americans are now working more to produce less. This problem isn’t American workers’

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Strategic Overview

Our goal is to rebuild this Great American Economy and restore hope and prosperity for all Americans. To do this we must…

End Out-Of-Control

Promoting greater economic supply and ending the overstimulation of demand can help bring inflation back under control.

Stop the War on American

Energy permeates every sector of the economy. Unleashing America’s energy by enabling all forms of energy to compete on a level playing field is key to restoring our economy.

Enact Comprehensive Regulatory

Bureaucratic overregulation stifles American innovation and economic growth. Meaningful reform must cut excessive red tape and ensure a transparent, predictable regulatory environment that works for Americans.

Prosperity Policy Documents

RESEARCH REPORT: Central Bank Digital Currencies

Op-Ed: Inflation’s up… credit card debt tops $1 TRILLION … and Americans drain 401(K)s to make ends meet…

RESEARCH REPORT: Help Wanted:  An Economic Productivity Agenda to Boost Workers

Perils of ESG Investing

FACT SHEET: H.R. 1 – The Lower Energy Costs Act

Woke capitalism is the true threat to democracy

Understanding the Bank Failures: A Q&A

Back-end Semiconductor Packaging In the CHIPS & Science Act

Research Report: Make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Permanent


FACT SHEET: How The Biden Administration’s Cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline Affects American Prosperity

FACT SHEET: Why You Need to Understand the ESG Threat